Best YouTube Channels for Learning Software Engineering in 2024 (No Degree Required!).

Unlock the World of Coding: Embark on a Journey of Software Engineering Mastery with YouTube's Top Channels (No Degree Needed!)

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I'll be honest, I used to think YouTube was just for cat videos and music mashups. But then I discovered a whole universe of coding channels that transformed my skills.

Remember those late nights struggling through online tutorials, feeling like you were the only one who didn't get it? I've been there, So today I want to share with you some community of coding gurus who made learning fun, approaching, and totally free.

The traditional routes – the costly bootcamps and the time-consuming four-year degree programs – are formidable, both in terms of financial investment and the precious hours required. Yet, in this digital age, a treasure trove of knowledge lies at our fingertips, waiting to be uncovered on the vast landscape of YouTube.

But here’s the catch: the sheer abundance of coding channels on the platform can be overwhelming. Finding the right ones, those that propel you forward with precision and efficiency, is akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

In this blog post, we embark on a journey together. A journey that sidesteps the hefty price tags of bootcamps and the prolonged commitment of traditional degrees. Instead, we embrace the power of YouTube, where free and low-cost learning resources abound. But fear not, for we are not setting sail blindfolded into the sea of channels. With over a decade of experience as your guide, we'll chart a course through the waves of information, revealing the gems that will fast-track your software engineering prowess. So grab your headphones, fire up YouTube, and prepare to level up your skills!

  1. freeCodeCamp.
    . subscribers: 8.89M subscribers
    . videos: 1.5K videos
    FreeCodeCamp: YouTube channel serves as a dynamic extension of their commitment to making coding education freely available to anyone with an internet connection. By offering structured learning paths, practical projects, community engagement, and staying abreast of industry trends, they empower learners to embark on a successful journey in the world of programming and technology.

  2. Derek Banas.
    . subscribers: 1.27M subscribers
    . videos: 1.2K+ videos
    Derek Banas: a stalwart in the coding tutorial sphere, boasts an extensive library of 1k+ videos. With a subscriber base of 2.5 million, his channel is a haven for learners seeking in-depth, no-nonsense coding guidance. Derek's tutorials cover a wide spectrum, from foundational programming languages to advanced frameworks. Known for his clarity and efficiency, he cuts through the fluff to deliver content that resonates with both beginners and seasoned developers. Whether you're diving into Java, Python, or exploring the intricacies of web development, Derek Banas is your go-to mentor.

  3. thenewboston.
    . subscribers: 2.67M subscribers
    . videos: 4,000+ videos
    TheNewBoston: stands as a coding encyclopedia on YouTube, boasting a staggering 4,000+ videos and a massive subscriber base of 2.8 million. This channel, led by the charismatic Bucky Roberts, takes a deep dive into a plethora of programming languages and technologies. TheNewBoston is synonymous with versatility, offering tutorials that cater to everyone, from coding novices to seasoned developers. With a treasure trove of content covering languages like C++, JavaScript, and Android app development, this channel is a one-stop-shop for those seeking comprehensive coding education.

  4. Kevin Powell.
    . subscribers: 857k subscribers
    . videos: 737 videos
    Keven powell: YouTube channel is a visual ode to the world of web development and design. With a subscriber base of 1.2 million, Kevin Powell is celebrated for his insightful and accessible approach to CSS and frontend technologies. His 737 videos are a goldmine for those navigating the nuances of modern web development. From mastering responsive design to unlocking the secrets of CSS grid and flexbox, Kevin Powell's channel is a beacon for those striving for visually stunning and user-friendly websites.

  5. Programming with Mosh.
    . subscribers: 3.69M subscribers
    . videos: 181 videos
    Programming with Mosh: with its subscriber base of 1.5 million, is a powerhouse of coding knowledge. Mosh Hamedani, the brains behind the channel, offers concise and pragmatic tutorials on various programming languages and frameworks. With 181 videos in his arsenal, Mosh covers everything from fundamental coding concepts to advanced topics like building scalable web applications. If you're seeking clarity, real-world examples, and a mentor who understands the demands of the industry, Programming with Mosh is your compass in the coding landscape.

  6. Traversy Media.
    . subscribers: 2.18M subscribers
    . videos: 964 videos
    Traversy Media: led by Brad Traversy, is a beacon for developers seeking practical, hands-on tutorials. With 1.8 million subscribers and a repository of 964 videos, this channel is a go-to resource for web development, encompassing both frontend and backend technologies. Brad's tutorials strike a balance between simplicity and depth, making complex concepts accessible to all. Whether you're delving into JavaScript frameworks, server-side scripting, or mastering modern web design, Traversy Media is a compass guiding you through the dynamic landscape of coding.

  7. CS Dojo.
    . subscribers: 1.92M subscribers
    . videos: 104 videos
    CS Dojo: helmed by YK Sugishita, is a sanctuary for coding enthusiasts, boasting 1.92 million subscribers and a collection of 104 videos. Specializing in Python and algorithmic problem-solving, CS Dojo is perfect for those aiming to hone their coding skills and prepare for technical interviews. YK's straightforward teaching style and real-world applications of coding concepts make complex topics comprehensible. If you're on a quest for mastery in Python and algorithmic thinking, CS Dojo is your virtual coding sensei.

  8. The Net Ninja.
    . subscribers: 1.3M subscribers
    . videos: 2.2k videos
    The Net Ninja: with a subscriber base of 1.3 million, is synonymous with comprehensive and engaging coding tutorials. Led by Shaun Pelling, this channel takes a deep dive into web development, covering frontend technologies, backend frameworks, and more. With a repository of 500+ videos, The Net Ninja is an invaluable resource for those navigating the complexities of modern web development. Shaun's personable teaching style and knack for breaking down complex topics make learning a delightful and insightful experience.

  9. The Coding Train.
    . subscribers: 1.64M subscribers
    . videos: 1.2k videos
    The Coding Train: led by Daniel Shiffman, is a vibrant hub for coding enthusiasts, boasting 1.64 million subscribers and a library of 1.2k videos. This channel is a celebration of creativity in coding, exploring the intersection of programming and art. With an emphasis on languages like Processing and p5.js, Daniel Shiffman's tutorials breathe life into coding concepts, making them accessible and enjoyable. If you're seeking to infuse your coding journey with creativity and a touch of whimsy, The Coding Train is your ticket to a coding adventure like no other.

  10. WebDev Simplified.
    . subscribers: 1.47M subscribers
    . videos: 665 videos
    WebDev Simplified: with its subscriber base of 1.47 million, is a haven for learners seeking straightforward and accessible web development tutorials. The brainchild of Kyle Cook, this channel prides itself on demystifying complex concepts, making them approachable for beginners and refreshing for seasoned developers. With a library of 665 videos, WebDev Simplified covers a spectrum of topics, from HTML and CSS basics to advanced JavaScript frameworks.

    Kyle's teaching style prioritizes clarity and practical application, ensuring that viewers not only understand the how but also the why behind coding techniques. The channel's commitment to simplicity doesn't compromise on depth, making it an ideal resource for those who prefer a clear and concise path to mastering web development.

    From responsive web design to building full-stack applications, WebDev Simplified offers a roadmap that caters to a diverse audience. Whether you're taking your first steps into the world of coding or looking to enhance your web development skills, Kyle Cook's WebDev Simplified is a guiding light in the ever-evolving landscape of web development.


    We've navigated YouTube's vibrant coding landscape, unearthing hidden gems and equipping ourselves with the tools to ace our journey. Remember, mastering code is a lifelong journey, not a one-shot quest. Choose your channels wisely, practice like a coding warrior, and embrace the supportive community. Keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, have fun on your coding climb! Now, share your favorite channels, learning hacks and tips in the comments below – let's build a thriving community of coders who support and inspire each other! Onward to codetopia!

    P.S. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Celebrate every milestone, big or small, and enjoy the process of learning and growing as a coder!